Papercraft Concepts


Thumbnail Concepts:
 For these thumbnails, I tried to think of things that I liked. Some aren't necessarily objects, as I have some animal forms here, but are forms I feel are important to me.

Chosen Concepts:

I chose this biker helmet design as it is based on a helmet for a character I designed. This character means a lot to me and I think their design is fun, so I thought making this helmet for this project would be fun too. This object can also represent the significance of my own creative endeavours. I was thinking of possibly making this helmet life-size to that of actual helmets so that you can wear it, though, I don't mind if it may be smaller in scale than I imagine if not possible. 

I chose this concept of headphones as my headphones are a significant object in my life. Wherever I go, I have my headphones with me and on me blasting tunes as I enjoy music. My headphones help me calm down, focus, or think.

I chose this concept of a fantail goldfish because I have fish as pets and absolutely love them. This concept would be based off of my own fantail goldfish, though would be slightly different in colour as I want the colours to be vivid. This object can also represent my general fascination with marine animals, as I enjoy learning about marine animals whenever I can.


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