SURFACE DESIGN: Sketch and refinements

 As most of the photos I had taken of patterns were either geometrical or organic in shape, I thought it would be interesting to combine both of these aspects together in my own design. 

I started with laying out lines for my design, using tools like rotate and mirror to create it. Then with different coloured layers, the hatching tool fills in those lines and creates the shapes of the pattern.

With my design, I tried to contrast geometric and organic forms. I also wanted the colours to be a gradient from orange to purple, bringing in the eye of the viewer. However, through peer review, the colours did make it hard to differentiate the different shapes. I also found that after a while, the colours strained my eyes a bit due to the brightness of the hues. I decided to change the colouring to make the design more clear and easy to look at.

Changing the colours I see changes how I view the pattern. It looks less fun compared to the other pattern, instead a bit more sombre or intimidating. The colours, however, feel easier to look at and I am more able to differentiate the shapes.


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